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NewBlueFX TotalFX

Artikelnummer: VS00078
Hersteller: NewBlueFX

Eingetragener Handelsname:
NewBlue Inc.

Eingetragene Handelsmarke:

New Media AV, Bauer und Trummer GmbH, Pirnaer Straße 20, D-90411 Nürnberg



Effekt Bundle

Lieferzeit: 1 Tag

Komplettes Effekt Bundle bestehend aus den folgenden NewBlueFX Einzel Bundles:

  • Elements 3 Ultimate: A complete set 21 tools to accelerate compositing tasks.
  • Essentials 3 Ultimate: A full set of 24 essential video plugins to perfect your video.
  • Filters 3 Ultimate: Includes the complete set of 22 innovative video filters for the perfect look.
  • Stylizers 3 Ultimate: Delivers the optimal set of 23 stylistic video effects for your own style.
  • Titler Pro 3 Ultimate: Delivers templates and features exclusive to After Effects.
  • Transitions 3 Ultimate: Brings a comprehensive set of 37 premium wipes & transitions.

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